Donate Online

Berkeley Buddhist Priory is a 501c(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible under the United States tax code. If you would like a year-end receipt for tax purposes, please contact us and provide your name and address with your donation. A receipt will be mailed to the address usually in January.

In the form below, there are options for one-time or recurring donations using a payment card. Your contribution will go to the Priory bank account via Stripe.


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The monastic Sangha and the entire congregation of Berkeley Buddhist Priory is grateful to your generosity and continued support to our free offering of Dharma to the community.

The monastic Sangha and the entire congregation of Berkeley Buddhist Priory is grateful to your generosity and continued support to our free offering of Dharma to the community.

The monastic Sangha and the entire congregation of Berkeley Buddhist Priory is grateful to your generosity and continued support to our free offering of Dharma to the community.

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